Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Few Things

We went to B's parents' home a few weeks ago and I was very nervous about flying with a sixteen-month-old. Turns out it was not too bad. I brought brand new books, new snack food, a few new toys - including a small wind up toy - and random things like stickers and tape. I also bought two Sesame Street DVDs in case of emergency. We only ended up watching about five mintutes of one DVD. Ace was really very good. Considering that we flew during his first real illness - a virus with an ear infection that was diagnosed two days before we left, and that he had a fever of about 103 and was taking Motrin and antibiotics - he did really well. At some point during the flight I noticed that Ace was breaking out in a rash, so after talking to the doctor we added Benadryl to his mix of medications.
Ace survived and got over his illness. He is still taking antibiotics, but I think we are down to our last dose tonight.
I flew back alone with Ace and he was great. He got over tired and wouldn't fall asleep, but then he bumped his head and leaned into me to cry about it and within seconds he was sound asleep. We had an open seat next to us, so I laid him down with his head on my lap. That worked well for a glorious hour or so, until the toddler behind us kicked the seat and knocked down the arm rest, which hit Ace in the head. I was livid. I glared at that two-year-old like a crazy lady. Then I felt bad about it, but my baby was hurt, just a little.
Man, it is hard to travel alone with a toddler! I had the stroller and just two bags, but it required a lot of figuring. I managed to eat and not lose it, but Ace was none too happy about being stuck in his stroller and off of his schedule.
The fact that we can not get a direct flight into B's parents' city is not a good thing, either.
Speaking of not good things, our trip included being yelled at and we may not be going back to B's parents' again. We are going on a family vacation with them in a few weeks, so we will see how that goes. Some things that are wrong but still ok when you don't have kids suddenly become totally wrong and not okay when you have your child there with you.
Another disturbing thing that happened while out of town involved Ace and his love of water. He LOVES it. He had no fear, just wants to get in the water. We really need to get him swimming lessons or water survival lessons. Here is why: we went to the baby pool at B's sister's country club and Ace was in heaven. The pool is a big round pool that is never deeper than 1.5 feet, so he can stand and play and was trilled. Then he tried to walk across the pool. The first time he was successful. The second time he did it he was chasing a ball and when he leaned forward for the ball he lost his balance and fell face first into the water. And then he stayed like that for a while. I thought for sure he would struggle and kick or something, but no, he just laid there and I jumped in and got him. He wasn't even upset about it really. I couldn't stop thinking that what he looked like floating there was probably what poor parents see when they don't realize until too late that their child has fallen in to the water. I had trouble sleeping later that night. I kept flashing on the image of Ace floating there.
Now we are back home and summer is racing by. I have been weaning Ace from the pacifier and that has led to some tearful days. Today being one of them. Instead of napping he cried for one hour. So I went and got him out and now he is asleep. I guess our afternoon plans can wait for another day.

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